Your heart is pounding, breathless, as you rush down the court. The game is tied, with only seconds to spare and the ball is in your hands. The defense is distracted by your teammates and there’s a clear, but closing window to take a shot. You can feel your chest tighten as you pull back the ball and let loose the 3 point shot you’ve practiced every day for the last ten years.
Time seems to slow down as the ball curves gracefully over the tennis shoe scuffed court. The arc is good, the ball rolls around the rim and slides through, securing a narrow victory for your team! You’re going to the playoffs! You rip off your jersey in esctasy and begin to whoop.
Then everyone in the stands instantly falls silent and quietly, patiently files out of the stadium. Not a teammate says a word, carefully packing up their things and leaving. The referee makes a note on a sheet of paper and then turns off the lights as everyone leaves.
You stand there in the middle of the court, stunned in the darkness. You saw the opportunity, you cared about pulling it off, took your shot, you succeeded and won the game. You did everything right… but everything feels wrong.
You were denied the satisfaction of your victory.
Satisfaction is More than Winning
Things have gotten a million times better since then. |